Fiona's Bead Bar

This weblog serves as a showcase for my bead projects. They started mostly as gifts for my friends. I normally do only one-time pieces, so they are kinda "exclusive", if you know what I mean. :) Do check back often for updates!

If you see anything you like, feel free to email me, and we will work something out.  

My Photo
Location: Singapore

A 30-something madly in love with handicrafts. I scrapbook, make wearable jewellery and crochet, among other things. My greatest dream right now is to have a car of my own.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy box of FIMO

I called it my happy box.
H just came back from aboard and got me all these clays.
Yep, he made me a very happy girl!!

Note: Did you know that FIMO is so much cheaper abroad??
:))) Merry Christmas, everyone!!

Quilted beads

These are handmade, baked to perfection.
Hmm... Excuse me, I was talking about polymer clay! Wahaha!!
Notice I also used the flower onlays as "beadcaps".


Flower-Onlay Beads

I tried to discover the full potential of the cutters I had bought.
Happily punching away...


Mini Clay Tiles

I had finally bought those Kemper Cutters... (Thank you, Charlene!)
Those who are really in polymer clay will know what I am talking about...
The tiny cutters will give you a perfect cut-out every time.
Wonderful!! Love it!!
Watch me have fun!

These mini tiles will be glued to mini pegs later.
They will make very lovely note holders.
