Fiona's Bead Bar

This weblog serves as a showcase for my bead projects. They started mostly as gifts for my friends. I normally do only one-time pieces, so they are kinda "exclusive", if you know what I mean. :) Do check back often for updates!

If you see anything you like, feel free to email me, and we will work something out.  

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Location: Singapore

A 30-something madly in love with handicrafts. I scrapbook, make wearable jewellery and crochet, among other things. My greatest dream right now is to have a car of my own.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Fiona was here...

Saturday. Cloudy.

Nice day for a walk, Dad says.
Bloody hot. I complained...

Anyhow, we made our way down to Holland Village.
We haven’t been there are a long time.
Let’s see...

Beadshop! This shop came highly recommended by fellow local beaders.
Finally~~! I have been there!

I went there to look specifically for beadcaps.
Well, I couldn’t find what I wanted, but look what else I found!

The shop was not difficult to locate, it was situated behind Holland Village shopping centre.
There are many varieties of findings, some not common.
I especially like the presentation, most of the stuff are packed in nice little square transparent boxes. (I am thinking I could recycle them.)
However, the prices are a bit steep, but the quality and service made up for it.


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